All you wanted to know about fisting in pornography.

This article sums up the different forms and variations of fisting in pornography.  We are going to go as far and wide as possible, covering all the possible weird things one can do with a hand and a hole. Lets start with a basic definition from Wikipedia.

Fisting, handballing, fist-fucking, brachiovaginal, or brachioproctic insertion[1] is a sexual activity that involves inserting a hand into the vagina or rectum.[2] Once insertion is complete, the fingers are either clenched into a fist or kept straight. Fisting may be performed without a partner, but it is most often a partnered activity.

Some sources say that fisting originated among gay men[source] and then become more and more popular among everyone else.  So without further delays, lets go on to the thing!

Ways how to spice up fisting:

Self Fisting

Fisting is more fun with partner, but even when alone, self fisting, or even self double fisting can be good fun. Hand can be inserted in ass or pussy.  There are tons of self fisting videos available online. Either the model fists her ass or pussy using her own hand. If you are into some special, have a look how Raisa violently punch fists herself like her pussy would be a punching bag. Moonchristine is probably the record holder if it comes to deepest self vaginal fisting.

Vaginal Fisting


Anal Fisting

Anal fisting is the nastier version of putting a hand in a hole.


Deep Anal Fisting

Other girls like to push their limit in how deep they can take the hand. Two worth mentioning are Siswet and Hotkinkyjo, who are so trained in depth, that when a fist is inserted into them, their belly shows a visible belly bulge, and you can even see the hand move inside her belly.

You know that its fisting when you hear ,,Honey take off that ring, it scratches me down there” and he replies ,,Darling, that is my watch “!

Punch Fisting

Punch Fisting is understood as rapid fist-fuck with a clenched fist. Its a sexual activity which can be painful and it is performed by the more extreme stretching addicts, often submissives or masochists. Alternative to Punch Fisting is Self Punch Fisting, which was mastered by Raisawetsx. Next level is Double Punch Fisting, but there is not many females who can perform this extreme activity.


If you are more into pain and bdsm, punch fisting may be ideal for you – its when you clench your fist and punch it inside your partner’s or your body hard and fast and “punch” fuck with your hand.

Triple Fisting

If one or two fists gets boring, triple fisting is here to help you out, nevertheless there are not many people who can perform triple fisting. In 2020 the three fist club members are Dirtygardengirl, Veneisse, Samantha Luvcox and Siswet are the models that can take three hands inside their pussy or ass. Samantha can take even three fists and four finger simultaneously.

Fisting World Records in Pornography

Female World Record in Fisting has been performed on Video by Samantha Luvcox. Three fists and four fingers in her vagina at the same time.

Depth is also a factor, where I would say Hotkinkyjo, Moonchristine and Siswet are the ultimate Fisting Depth Queens, there is one particular video where Moonchristine gets almost her entire forearm inside her.


Fastest punch fisting seems to be done to DirtyGardenGirl in her short but extreme video

Fastest self punch fisting by Raisawetsx in her cam show recording.

Special forms of Fisting

Fisting while wearing a (boxing) glove

Classic is a latex glove, or a condom that is pulled over whole hand, or if you like some shocking efect, you can find a few videos where a guy is fisting while wearing a boxing glove. How sick is that!

Fisting a fake pussy inside a real pussy

Self explanatory. Just buy a fake pussy, put it inside your partners pussy and fist the fake one. There is this video which pretty much shows the trick:


Jerking off inside pussy or ass

In this practice a man puts his hand and his dick in her pussy or ass and jerks his cock off inside her.

Using a fist toy

We will finish with something that is not really fisting,  and it is using a rubber fake hand aka fist toy.

6 thoughts on “All you wanted to know about fisting in pornography.

  1. I love this article!

    Just a suggestion to add a detail that often multiply the pleasure: natural sounds like queefing and farting involuntary (or even voluntary) occurring during the insertions in any of the fisting typologies described.
    It is named generically ASMR.
    The sound produced by a sloppy dilated pussy/asshole gaped at the point to “ingest” air and the subsequent exit pushed by a hand (or multiple ones or a dildo of course!) is incredibly arousing.
    Please, don’t underestimate this! also ears need their part and not only eyes! The mix, ears and eyes can be explosive! 🙂

    At disposal to talk about this detail 😉

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