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  • Jim
  • is Qween Selene stuck at 48.5 cm or is her work more obscure now? .. her Twitter said she has been training , MAN i ALMOST miss the DVD era because quite a few girls are actually FAR beyond Amazing TY and Candy Apples on raw penetration , 15 , 20 years ago those were AWESOME dvd series , as far as REAL SLACKHOLIN (pardon the pun) even 10 years…Read More

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    • I dunno that she’s “stuck” at 48.5cm but I don’t think anyone except the handful of people who’ve actually handled the Legendary Tuna Can Jerry or some of her other toys understand how huge they truly are.

  • been HOPING for a size update for QweenSelene or Chelly XCX of any actress!!! Qween has been at 48.5 !
    and Chelly at 42.9 . I’m guessing / hoping Qween gets to 49.5 to 50 + by December !!! …. and maybe
    Chelly gets to 43.5 to 44 !! nice to discover these other great actresses , good stuff , LOVE the site !!!

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  • Do you guys think QweenSelene can make it to 50cm and take in a midget’s or smaller person’s head ?? she probably already can !! ?? i like her vertical beer can with speculum idea .. .. and the fact that she trains her bucket gape .. Thanks Slackholes for catagorizing all the actresses .. back in the day i never thought any one would surpass…Read More

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