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    4 years, 3 months ago

    Please consider this is not a gay website when posting to the main activity wall.

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    • For those of us who are women that are into women, it’s as gay as eighteen balloons slathered in more rainbows than I care to mention. You might want to consider re-phrasing this policy.

      • Yes, it’s tricky! Any suggestions to get the point across?

        • I don’t know if my suggestion helps except to say I think it should have gay content. It’s 2021, right? We should allow women, men, and gender non-conforming individuals to stand shoulder to shoulder and shout as one: “We love stretched holes!”

          Feel free to hire me as a moderator for the the guys if you don’t want to do it, maybe.

          • Well sais, harmony. Subscribing 100%… A website like slack holes should not make categories and differences, at least not excluding or censor contents that are coherent with the purpose of the site… I would suggest at least to activate a function to allow to share contents with contacts without having them posted in the main wall, if this is supposed to hurt sensibilities… Great Harmony!

            • Okay, so – I have created a “Male Content” private group. Not sure if the name is right. Anything posted there will remain private and only visible to the members. Anyone can join. I will add Harmony and anyone who will ask and be active and nice to manage said group. Let me know if this is suitable solution! Admin

      • Hi,Dear nice to meet you i am Harold martha pleaseI know that it looks strange to contact whom you dont know, but i plead for your respond to my privet Email, (
        so that we can exchange ideas for reasons

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